One of the biggest challenges about the COVID pandemic is that we’ve seen the emergence of different virus variants. Whenever a variant emerges, there are things we don’t know about it. For example, one variant of a virus might be more easily transmitted via surface contact than the current strain. Or a variant might be less easily transmitted via surface contact. The way we discover this, sadly, is by people getting sick.
Absent complete knowledge, many business owners are taking a pro-active better safe than sorry approach. Nobody wants to see a shutdown again, and of course no one wants their individual business to be at the center of an outbreak. With that in mind, this answer to how much office cleaning is really necessary given COVID is influenced by our decades of experience providing janitorial services in Weymouth and other surrounding communities.
And the answer is it depends. If your place is of business is open to the public, and you have a high volume of people in there regularly, nightly cleaning makes sense. Our expert cleaners clean, sanitize and disinfect all of the hard surfaces people are most likely to touch in the normal course of events while they’re doing business with you. This includes door knobs, reception areas, countertops and kiosks, bathrooms, and more.
If you have customers only infrequently and have a small staff who are observing best practices, having the janitorial service come in twice a week or on a weekly basis may suffice for your needs. This model assumes that a staff member will disinfect high touch surfaces at least daily, so it’s important that this duty be assigned to one of your employees. What we currently know about the COVID vaccine is that it can linger on hard surfaces for up to four days.
One important note about surface cleaning is that it prevents the transmission of other diseases besides COVID. Norovirus in particular as well as the common cold can be spread via surface transmission fairly easily. Regular sanitizing and disinfection helps stop the spread effectively.