Cleaning changed during the pandemic, declares Chemical and Engineering News, and it might not change back. If you click through to read the article, you’ll see there’s a lot of focus on individual behaviors. People became much more involved in cleaning their own homes during the two years of the pandemic, as evidenced by purchases of disinfectant products.
At this point, sales of some items – mainly disinfectant wipes – has started to taper off. This is a sign that the author describes as a shift from disinfection obsession to balanced cleaning. The overall conclusion: people are cleaning their own homes more than ever, using performance cleaning products, and – critical for our purposes – they expect that the environments they enter, whether for work or as a customer, to meet the same standard of health and hygiene that they enjoy at home.
Can your facility meet that standard? The fact is that for many busy companies, keeping the office clean post-pandemic is harder, not easier. Irregular schedules, some team members working remotely, and the need to maintain productivity despite challenges has led some organizations to underprioritize workplace cleanliness.
To remedy this situation quickly and in a cost effective way, bring in a professional cleaning company. Office cleaning services come in when it’s not busy – overnight, in many instances, or during slower periods if you operate 24/7 – to clean, sanitize and disinfect hard surfaces. Carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning services keep the facility looking and smelling fresh. This is the standard of cleaning today’s customers are maintaining in their own homes and expect from your facility.
Will the obsession about workplace cleanliness go on forever? At one point, industry experts were discussing a post-pandemic world. However, it’s not entirely clear that that’s going to be a thing. Instead, as you’ll see in the article, behaviors that developed during the pandemic are expected to continue as part of our new normal.