“I don’t know if you remember last year when we had that real sudden cold snap? That’s when we had the pipes freeze.” The owner of a local funeral parlor was speaking on the condition of strict anonymity. “There was a tremendous amount of water in our front reception room, the coatroom, the hallway, and one of the smaller rooms used by clergy to prepare for services. We had an emergency cleaning service come in right away to handle the mess, and I feel like they did a really good job. The only problem is now there’s this lingering musty odor in here, and trust me – that is not the smell we want our clients to be smelling.”
The funeral home has been doing everything it can to mask the odor, but that’s really an incomplete solution. “Air fresheners can only do so much. It was starting to stress me out, wondering what our guests were smelling. So I called the local commercial cleaning company and said is there anything you can do to help me address this situation?”
Odor Removal Service: What You Need to Know
Every odor has a cause. In this particular instance, we knew that there had been a flooding event. Any time a property has been underwater, the risk of mold and mildew increases exponentially. Our team went over the property closely, inspecting for sites that would be contributing to the odor. In addition to the carpeting, which was desperately in need of a deep cleaning, several upholstered pieces of furniture required deep cleaning.
“The change was tremendous,” the funeral home owner said. “I walked in the front door, breathed deep, and smiled because it just smelled so clean. No lingering odor, no distressing smell. I never knew there were companies that would track down and eliminate the cause of bad smells, but it turns out that was exactly what we needed.”